RED - Chakra: Root
Balanced: safe, secure, grounded, confident, rooted, centered, belonging, trusting, independent, alive, physical, instinctual
Imbalanced: scattered, anxious, fearful, egotistical, domineering, greedy, violent, cruel, angry, insecure, hopeless, stuck
Gifts: trust, gifted hands/physicality, strength
Experiencing: desire, vitality, power. Having the urge to win and/or achieve success. Having intense experiences. Taking action, doing. Great physicality or engaging in sports. Struggle, competition, forcing of will, leadership. Great strength, courage, passion, earthiness, practicality, desire for possessions, adventure, survival mode
ORANGE - Chakra: Sacral
Balanced: creative, sexy, vivacious, healthy, playful, manifesting, open, fulfilled, flexible, exuberant, in- flow, free, sensual
Imbalanced: repressed, blocked, withheld, isolated, powerless, manipulative, craving, joyless
Gifts: stillness, manifesting, creativity
Experiencing: heightened creativity and/or emotions, exuberance, the ability to relate to others in an open, friendly manner, great sociability, independence, personal expression, expansiveness, exploration of one’s gifts, the ability to reach and extend one’s self to others. Entrepreneurial, able to sell. Successful interaction with the public
YELLOW - Chakra: Solar Plexus
Balanced: highly-esteemed, self-respecting, worthy, persevering, bold, responsible, accountable, disciplined, powerful
Imbalanced: deceptive, controlling, malicious, manipulating, negative, procrastinating, abusive, self-centered, bombarding
Gifts: self-acceptance, authenticity, willpower, strength
Experiencing: connectedness to nature and animals, great sense of humor and fun, optimism, intellectuality, openness to new ideas, happiness, warmth, relaxation, uninhibited expansiveness, release of burdens, problems and restrictions. Organizing, planning. Hope and expectation, inspiration. Ability to encourage and support others naturally, to radiate like the sun
GREEN - Chakra: Heart
Balanced: loving, empathetic, open-hearted, generous, patient, kind, forgiving, accepting, harmonious, loyal, grateful
Imbalanced: angry, bitter, resentful, envious, selfish, unforgiving, rejected, undiscerning, undisciplined, hateful, ungrateful
Gifts: compassion, empathy, love
Experiencing: perseverance, tenacity, firmness, patience, a sense of responsibility and service. High ideals and aspirations. Dedication. Great emphasis on work and career. Ambition. Desire for respectability and personal attainment. Deeply focused, adaptable. Balancing, growing, evolving
BLUE - Chakra: Throat
Balanced: communicative, effective, expressive, honest, reflective, courageous, commanding, charismatic, intentional
Imbalanced: timid, criticizing, arrogant, anxious, disempowered, self-righteous, ineffective
Gifts: truth, communication, diplomacy
Experiencing: depth of feeling, commitment, trust, loyalty. Deep devotion to personal relationships. Deep empathy for others. Healing self and/or others. Dreaming and heightened sense of artistic ability. prioritizing the needs of others above self. Heightened emotional sensitivity and intuition. Inwardly focused, enjoying solitude. Desiring or enjoying unity, peace, love and affection. Calmness and tranquility. Looking for truth, justice and beauty in everything
INDIGO - Chakra: Third Eye
Balanced: highly-intuitive, aware, meditative, purposed, clear, spiritual, empathic, imaginative, wise, soulful, sensitive
Imbalanced: confused, lost, delusional, wandering, impressionable, over-sensitive, egotistical, depressed, obsessed
Gifts: clairvoyance, clairaudience, insight, prophetic dreams, visions
Experiencing: heightened physical and emotional sensitivity. Driven toward personal progression and the evolution of humanity. A calling to use technology to progress the human race. Relying heavily on technology as a tool to help and reach others. Challenging the status quo. Ability to easily innovate and influence others. Tapped in to all that is forward and progressive.
VIOLET - Chakra: Crown
Balanced: mystical, tranquil, divinely-connected, wise, peaceful, ethical, humanitarian, conscientious, deep, open-minded
Imbalanced: detached, materialistic, greedy, dominant, overindulgent, suffering, disconnected, apathetic, addicted
Gifts: oneness, unity, claircognizance, selflessness
Experiencing: unconventional lifestyle, incredible charm and charisma, the uncommon ability to make one’s own dreams come true, or manifest desires, uncanny ability to charm and delight others. Deep connection with higher planes of consciousness. A sense of playfulness and tolerance of the eccentricities of others. Heightened sensitivity and compassion. Tenderness and kindness. Dreaminess. Ability to entertain and captivate others. Great sense of personal magnetism. Able to incite revolution. Rapid ascension.
WHITE/CRYSTAL- Chakra: None (God/Source Energy)
Balanced: a gifted healer, highly-spiritual, rare, prophetic, sensitive, ascended, angelic, pure, service-oriented, loving
Imbalanced: vulnerable, naive, lacking boundaries, victimized, abused
Gifts: healing, service, unconditional love
Experiencing: holiness, a season of service and giving to others, using the fruit of inner work to help and guide others, transitioning from healing self to healing others. Purification of thoughts and energy. Sharing inner healing outward. Loving self and others unconditionally, enacting God’s will in and for your life.